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  • Insights Issue 14: Amerikanische Horizonte

    Mosaique Insights

    Diese Ausgabe von Insights befasst sich mit den USA vor dem Hintergrund der bevorstehenden Wahlen und enthält Erkenntnisse unseres Chief Investment Officer sowie Analysen unseres Global Investment Strategist und Fixed Income Teams. Ausserdem berichten wir über eine kürzlich durchgeführte Reise in die USA, erkunden das Potenzial der Robotik und diskutieren die sich entwickelnden Beziehungen zwischen den USA und der Schweiz.

    Laurent Gagnebin

  • The US election: too close to call


    We are now entering the final act of this dramatic 60th presidential election. The polls are too close to call, yet the candidates’ positions could hardly be more polarised. In this election essay we examine the potential economic repercussions of the upcoming vote.

    Victor Balfour

  • Growth Equity Update


    In October’s edition, we look at the details of OpenAI’s recent $6.6bn raise, who invested and who didn’t, at the financials and at the state of OpenAI as its mission shifts awy from capped profit status. Meanwhile global VC fundraising in Q3 was twice the level of Q1 and September was a robust month for VC backed company raises on both sides of the Atlantic.

    Patrick Wellington

  • Asset Management: Monthly Macro Insights - October 2024

    Market Commentary

    The global economy grapples with a faltering goods sector and higher geopolitical risks. Nonetheless, investors remain confident that an accelerated policy easing would interact with supportive financial conditions to safeguard the resilience of the global economy, especially since China recently announced a coordinated set of monetary and fiscal measures.

    Marc-Antoine Collard

  • Konjunkturprogramm weckt Risikobereitschaft

    Märkte & Trends

    Trotz unsicherer Wachstumsaussichten und eines abkühlenden US-Arbeitsmarkts bleiben wir in Aktien und langlaufenden Anleihen investiert. Zinssenkungen stützen die Märkte, und wir erwarten, dass sinkende Zinsen das Wachstum fördern und eine sanfte Landung ermöglichen.

    Christian Schwab

  • Female founders share the secrets to their success


    We know that every entrepreneurial journey is different, but there are lessons that all founders can learn from each other. In this series of video interviews, we asked the founders of three successful companies to share their experiences and offer practical advice.

    Sophie Kilvert

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