Rechtliche und regulatorische Informationen

Rechtliche und regulatorische Informationen


Sie haben soeben die Website besucht, die von Rothschild & Co. veröffentlicht und betrieben wird.

Name des Unternehmens:
Französische Aktienkommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien (société en commandite par actions) mit einem Aktienkapital von EUR 155’465’024
Handels- und Firmenregister: Paris Nr. 302 519 228
Innergemeinschaftliche USt.-Identifikationsnummer: FR88 302 519 228
Eingetragener Sitz: 23 bis avenue de Messine, 75008 Paris, Frankreich
Telefon-Nr.: +33140744074
Verantwortliche Person: Caroline Nico – Group Head of Corporate Communications
Webhosting: Optimizely, Inc., 119 5th Ave 7th floor, New York, NY 10003, USA, +1 603 594 0249

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Lesen Sie unseren Datenschutzhinweis

Schadloshaltung der Rothschild & Co Gruppe

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Rothschild & Co Australia Limited, Level 34, 88 Phillip Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia.  Registered Number: 61 008 591 768.  Rothschild & Co Australia Limited is authorised and regulated by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission for the provision of financial services. Rothschild & Co Australia Limited holds an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL) (licence number 239059) to provide certain financial products and services.


Rothschild & Co Securities Canada Inc./Valeurs Mobiliere Rothschild & Co Canada Inc., Brookfield Place, TD Canada Trust Tower, 161 Bay Street, Suite 4230, Toronto, Ontario M5J 2S1, Canada. Ontario Corporation Number 866882. Rothschild & Co Securities Canada Inc./Valeurs Mobiliere Rothschild & Co Canada Inc. is authorised and regulated by the Ontario Securities Commission for the provision of financial advisory services.

Hong Kong

Rothschild & Co Hong Kong Limited, Rooms 1605-1609, 16th Floor, Alexandra House, 18 Chater Road, Central, Hong Kong SAR. Company Number: 32203. Rothschild & Co Hong Kong Limited is authorised and regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong to conduct Type 1 (Dealing in Securities), Type 4 (Advising on Securities) and Type 6 (Advising on Corporate Finance) regulated activities.


Rothschild & Co India Private Limited 103, 1st Floor, Piramal Towers, Peninsula Corporate Park, Ganpatrao Kadam Marg, Off. Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400013, India. Registered Number: U65990MH1998PTC116788.   Rothschild & Co India Private Limited is registered as Category I Merchant Banker with Securities Exchange Board of India and is authorized to provide financial advisory and consulting services including project finance and privatisation advisory services.

Investor Charter
Investor Complaints Data


RothschildCo Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., 28-12, Level 28, Q Sentral, Jalan Stesen Sentral, Kuala Lumpur Sentral, 50470 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Registered Number: 15271D. RothschildCo Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. is authorised and regulated by the Securities Commission Malaysia to provide advising on corporate finance services.


Rothschild & Co Doha LLC, Office 1429, Al Fardan Office Towers, PO Box 31316, Doha, Qatar. Telephone number: +974 44101680. Rothschild & Co Doha LLC is regulated by the Qatar Financial Centre Authority for the provision of Arranging Deals in investment and Advising on investment.


Rothschild & Co Singapore Limited, One Raffles Quay, North Tower, One Raffles Quay #10-02, Singapore 048583. Registered Number: 197301242C. Rothschild & Co Singapore Limited is regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore and licensed to conduct the regulated activities of advising on corporate finance and dealing in securities services. 

Personal Data Protection Statement

South Africa

Rothschild and Co (South Africa) Proprietary Limited, 7th Floor, 144 Oxford, 144 Oxford Road, Rosebank, Johannesburg, South Africa.  Registered Number: 1999/021764/07.  Rothschild and Co (South Africa) Proprietary Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority under licence number 8435 for the provision of financial advisory services in relation to certain financial products, and is currently exempted from compliance with the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act of 2002 (FAIS) insofar as FAIS related services are rendered to certain types of clients as listed in Board Notice 108 of 2012.


Rothschild & Co Middle East Limited, DIFC, Gate District 3, Office 504, Level 5, PO Box 506570, Dubai, UAE. Telephone number: +971 44284300. Rothschild & Co Middle East Limited is authorised and regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority for the provision of Advising on Financial Products or Credit and Arranging Credit or Deals in Investments services.

Rothschild & Co Europe BV (Representative office), PO Box 113100, Office 1007, C2 Tower, Al Bateen, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Telephone number: +971 24069866. Abu Dhabi is licensed by the Central Bank of UAE.


N.M. Rothschild & Sons Limited, New Court, St Swithin's Lane, London, EC4N 8AL, England.  Registered Number: 925279.  N.M. Rothschild & Sons Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

UK Equity Management Solutions (EMS)
Rothschild & Co Equity Markets Solutions Limited, New Court, St Swithin's Lane, London, EC4N 8AL, England. Registered Number: 13317911. Rothschild & Co Equity Markets Solutions Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Allocation Policy Summary Attachment


Rothschild & Co US Inc, 1251 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, USA. Registered Number: 13-2589894. Rothschild & Co US Inc is registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, is a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority and is a provider of investment banking services such as mergers and acquisitions, restructuring, bankruptcy, financial advice, equity advisory and private placements.


Channel Islands

Rothschild & Co Bank International Limited, St Julian's Court, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 3BP. Registered number: 1088.  Rothschild & Co Bank International Limited is licensed and regulated by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission for the provision of Banking, Investment and Credit services.  A summary of Rothschild & Co Bank International Limited's complaint handling procedure is available here

Rothschild & Co Bank International Limited is a participant in the Guernsey Banking Deposit Compensation Scheme which offers full protection for “qualifying deposits” up to £50,000, subject to certain limitations. The maximum total amount of compensation is capped at £100,000,000 in any 5 year period. Full details are available on the Scheme's website or on request. 

Data Privacy Notice

The Rothschild & Co Bank International Limited Refinancing Rates are available here.


Rothschild Martin Maurel SCS, 29 Avenue de Messine 75008 Paris, France. Registered Number: 323 317 032 R.C.S. Paris. Rothschild Martin Maurel SCS is authorized and regulated by the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution to provide account-keeping services and portfolio management.


Rothschild & Co Vermögensverwaltung GmbH, Börsenstraße 2-4, 60313 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Registered Number: HRB 55676. Rothschild & Co Vermögensverwaltung GmbH is authorised and regulated by Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht for the provision of portfolio management, contract broking, investment broking, investment advice and asset management services.

General Information / Allgemeine Informationen

Data Privacy Notice / Datenschutzhinweis

Complaints Procedure

Shareholder Rights / Mitwirkungspolitik § 134b AktG

Compensation Report / Vergütungsbericht

Execution Entities / Ausführungsplätze 2021

Execution Entities / Ausführungsplätze 2022

Execution Entities/ Ausführungsplätze 2022 CSV

Execution Entities / Ausführungsplätze 2023

Execution Entities/ Ausführungsplätze 2023 CSV

Sustainability-Related Disclosures/Nachhaltigkeitsbezogene Offenlegungen:

ESG Approach

Guidelines on ESG Risk/ Grundsätze im Umgang mit Nachhaltigkeitsrisiken 

Vorvertragliche Informationen ESG gemäß Art. 8 SFDR

Offenlegung Art. 10 SFDR Bewerbung ökologischer und sozialer Merkmale (Artikel 8 SFDR Produkte)

Erklärung zu den wichtigsten nachteiligen Auswirkungen von Investitionsentscheidungen auf Nachhaltigkeitsfaktoren (PAI)


Rothschild & Co Wealth Management Italy SIM S.p.A, Passaggio Centrale 3, 20123, Milan, Italy. Registered Number: 298. Rothschild & Co Wealth Management Italy SIM S.p.A, is authorised and regulated by Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (CONSOB) and Bank of Italy for the provision of financial services.

Rothschild & Co SIM - Engagement Policy - Set 2023 ITA

Attuazione Engagement Policy

Attuazione Engagement Policy 2021

Attuazione Engagement Policy 2022

Attuazione Engagement Policy 2023

Sustainability Risks Statement

Report Broker 2019

Report Broker 2020

Report Broker 2021

Report Broker 2022

Report Broker 2023

Informativa IFR 2022

Informativa IFR 2023

Informativa IFR 2024

Rothschild & Co SIM - Strategia di esecuzione e trasmissione Ordini – 2023

Sito web - Reclami

Informativa ex Art.10 SFDR


Rothschild & Co Wealth Management (Europe) S.A., 41 Avenue de la Liberté, L - 1931 Luxembourg. Registered Number: B 190125. Rothschild & Co Wealth Management (Europe) S.A. is an Investment Firm duly authorised and supervised by the CSSF under terms of the Law of 5 April 1993 on the Financial Sector. In compliance with CSSF regulation 16-07 and CSSF Circular CSSF 17/671, the processing of claims responds to the principles of transparency with respect to the customer, providing objective information at no charge. Claims can be sent by postal mail to Rothschild & Co Wealth Management (Europe) S.A (Attn Compliance Department -  41 Avenue de la Liberté L-1931 Luxembourg), who will acknowledge receipt within ten working days. All claims will be handled as quickly as possible, and no later than one month following the date of receipt. 

Complaints Procedure

Sustainable Investing Approach


Rothschild & Co Wealth Management Monaco, 11, boulevard des Moulins, BP 175, 98 003 Monaco Cedex, Monaco, with a share capital of EUR 9,000,000. Registered Number: 00 S 03802 R.C.I. Monaco, subsidiary of Rothschild Martin Maurel. Rothschild & Co Wealth Management Monaco is authorized and regulated by the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR) and the Commission de Contrôle des Activités Financières (CCAF) for the provision of private and investment banking products and services, discretionary services and wealth advisory services.


Rothschildco Wealth Management Spain, AV, SA domiciliada en Madrid 28046, Paseo de la Castellana nº 40 bis, registrada ante la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores con número 0305. Tiene por objeto social exclusivo la prestación de los servicios de inversión, los servicios auxiliares y actividades accesorias permitidos a las agencias de valores.

Reglamento para la Defensa del Cliente

Política de Mejor Ejecución y Gestión de Órdenes


Rothschild & Co Bank AG, Zollikerstrasse 181, 8034 Zurich, Switzerland. Registered Number: CHE-107.848.173. Rothschild & Co Bank AG is authorised and regulated by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA to provide banking and securities dealer services.

On 1 January 2017, the Automatic Exchange of Information in Tax Matters (AEoI) has entered into force for Switzerland. As reporting financial institution thereunder, Rothschild & Co Bank AG has to report specific data on its clients tax resident in an AEoI partner jurisdiction of Switzerland. A constantly updated list of Switzerland's AEoI partner jurisdictions is accessible here.

Protection of Client Money and Assets

In the event of bankruptcy of a Swiss bank, a distinction has to be drawn between deposits and custody account assets regarding the protection of client money and assets.

Are my deposits protected under the deposit insurance esisuisse? Yes, like any bank and any securities firm in Switzerland, Rothschild & Co Bank AG is required to sign the Self-regulation “Agreement between esisuisse and its members”. This means clients' deposits are protected up to a maximum of CHF 100,000 per client. Medium-term notes held in the name of the bearer at the issuing bank are also considered deposits. Depositor protection in Switzerland is provided by esisuisse, and the depositor protection system is explained in detail at

Esisuisse FAQ

Unlike deposits, custody account assets (such as shares, units in collective investment schemes and other securities, as well as other fiduciary investments) are the property of the client and, in the event of a Swiss bank becoming bankrupt, are immediately and fully separated off outside the bankruptcy proceedings and issued to the client. They therefore never become part of the bankrupt party's estate in the first place. This rule applies to all custody account assets, as well as precious metals deposited physically with the Bank that are the client's property.

If a foreign fund management company goes bankrupt, the legal options of the holders of fund units are based on the rules of the applicable foreign legal regime.

The Rothschild & Co Bond Funds Report of income for UK tax purposes is available here

The Rothschild & Co WM SICAV SIF Report of income for UK tax purposes is available here

The Rothschild & Co Bank AG Standard Interest Rates are available here.
The Rothschild & Co Bank AG Refinancing Rates are available here.

Rothschild & Co Bank AG: Data Protection Information EN | FR | DE | ES

Rothschild & Co Bank AG: Trading Venues

Rothschild & Co Bank AG: Top 5 Execution Entities

Rothschild & Co Bank AG: General Information on Best Execution

Sustainable Investing Approach


Rothschild & Co Wealth Management UK Limited, New Court, St. Swithin's Lane, London EC4N 8AL, UK. Registered Number: 4416252.  Rothschild & Co Wealth Management UK Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK for the provision of investment services and is registered as an investment adviser with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). If you are dissatisfied with any services provided by Rothschild & Co Wealth Management UK Limited, you should contact the Compliance Director at the address above or on 020 7280 5000.  Certain clients in the UK may also contact the Financial Ombudsman Service in case of any unresolved disputes:  If Rothschild & Co Wealth Management UK Limited is unable to meet its liabilities, certain clients may be entitled to compensation under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme:

Policies and Procedures

Sustainability and Stewardship Policy

Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2023

Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures Report for the year ending 2023

The R Wealth Management SICAV SIF Report of income for UK tax purposes is available here.

SEC Regulatory Disclosures:

SEC Brochure Supplement

SEC Client Brochure

CRS Form



Rothschild & Co Asset Management Europe, 29, Avenue de Messine, 75008 Paris, France. Registered Number: 824 540 173 R.C.S. Paris, subsidiary of Rothschild Martin Maurel.  Rothschild & Co Asset Management Europe is authorized and regulated by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers under number GP-17000014 for the provision of portfolio management, carrying on wealth and asset management activities. 


Rothschild & Co Investment Managers, 33, rue Sainte Zithe, L - 2763 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Registered Number: B131.555. Rothschild & Co Investment Managers is a Luxembourg management company registered on the CSSF's official list of management companies governed by Chapter 15 of the Luxembourg law of 17 December 2010 on undertakings for collective investment, as amended, and is duly authorised by the CSSF as an alternative investment fund manager pursuant to Chapter 2 of the Luxembourg Law of 12 July 2013. In compliance with Law of 17 December 2010 and CSSF Regulation, the processing of claims responds to the principles of transparency with respect to the customer, providing objective information at no charge. Claims can be sent by postal mail to Rothschild & Co Investment Managers (Attn Mr Jose Maria Campos Donderis – Compliance Manager 33, rue Sainte Zithe, L - 2763 Luxembourg), who will acknowledge receipt within ten working days. All claims will be handled as quickly as possible, and no later than one month following the date of receipt.


Rothschild & Co Asset Management Monaco, 11, boulevard des Moulins, BP 175, 98 003 Monaco Cedex, Monaco, with a share capital of EUR 160,000. Registered Number: 96S03258 R.C.I. Monaco, subsidiary of Rothschild & Co Wealth Management Monaco. Rothschild & Co Asset Management Monaco is authorized and regulated by the Commission de Contrôle des Activités Financières (CCAF) for the provision of fund management services.


Rothschild & Co Bank AG, Zollikerstrasse 181, 8034 Zurich, Switzerland. Registered Number: CHE-107.848.173. Rothschild & Co Bank AG is authorised and regulated by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA to provide banking and securities dealer services.   


Rothschild & Co Asset Management US Inc., 1251 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, USA. Registered Number: 13-2544634. Rothschild & Co Asset Management US Inc. is authorised and regulated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission for the provision of investment advisory services.


In accordance with applicable laws and regulations and with Rothschild & Co's policy and approach on conflicts of interests, the managing entities of Five Arrows have defined a policy for the identification, resolution and management of conflicts of interests. Read more on our Conflict of Interest Policy.


Five Arrows Managers SAS – Shareholders Rights Directive Disclosure

Five Arrows Managers SAS, 23 bis, Avenue de Messine 75008 Paris, France. Registered Number: 509 679 189. Five Arrows Managers SAS is authorized as a portfolio management company (“société de gestionde portefeuille”) by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) under number GP-09000002. In compliance with AMF Instruction 2012-07, the processing of claims responds to the principles of transparency with respect to the customer, providing objective information at no charge. Claims can be sent by postal mail to Five Arrows Managers SAS, Head of Compliance, 23 bis, Avenue de Messine 75008 Paris, France who will acknowledge receipt within ten working days. All claims will be handled as quickly as possible, and no later than two months following the date of receipt.

Claims Procedure


Rothschild & Co Investment Managers, 33, rue Sainte Zithe, L - 2763 Luxembourg,, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Registered Number: B131.555. Rothschild & Co Investment Managers is a Luxembourg management company registered on the CSSF's official list of management companies governed by Chapter 15 of the Luxembourg law of 17 December 2010 on undertakings for collective investment, as amended, and is duly authorised by the CSSF as an alternative investment fund manager pursuant to Chapter 2 of the Luxembourg Law of 12 July 2013. In compliance with Law of 17 December 2010 and CSSF Regulation, the processing of claims responds to the principles of transparency with respect to the customer, providing objective information at no charge. Claims can be sent by postal mail to Rothschild & Co Investment Managers (Attn Mr Jose Maria Campos Donderis – Compliance Manager 33, rue Sainte Zithe, L - 2763 Luxembourg), who will acknowledge receipt within ten working days. All claims will be handled as quickly as possible, and no later than one month following the date of receipt.


Five Arrows Managers LLP – Shareholders Rights Directive Disclosure

Five Arrows Managers LLP, New Court, St Swithin's Lane, London, EC4N 8AL, England. Registered Number: OC302492. Five Arrows Managers LLP is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for the provision of investment services. Five Arrows Managers LLP also carries on business under the name of Rothschild & Co Credit Management (Europe).

Five Arrows Managers LLP – Stewardship Code Disclosure

2019 Top 5 Execution Venues by Asset Class

2019 Top 5 Execution Venues and Qualitative Assessment of Execution

2020 Top 5 Execution Venues by Asset Class

2020 Top 5 Execution Venues and Qualitative Assessment of Execution

Complaints Procedure Five Arrows Managers LLP


Five Arrows Managers North America LLC, 633 West 5th Street, Suite 6700, Los Angeles, CA 90071, USA.  Registered Number: 136191.  Five Arrows Managers North America LLC is an independent investment adviser registered under the US Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended.  Registration as an investment adviser does not imply a certain level of skill or training. More information about Five Arrows Managers North America LLC, including its investment strategies, fees and objectives, can be found in its Form ADV Part 2, which is available upon request. Five Arrows Managers North America LLC also does business under the name of Rothschild & Co Credit Management (North America), R&Co CM North America and R&Co CM (NA).