Credit funds
Oberon Strategy
Elsinore Strategy
Independent teams in both Europe and North America actively manage diverse portfolios of par assets, focussing on the larger global issuers of secured credit.
Credit Management manages three distinct strategies, each focussed on the active management of diverse portfolios of performing credit.
Oberon Strategy
Elsinore Strategy
Europe: Contego
North America: Ocean Trails
To obtain a copy of the Key Investor Document (KID) of our funds, please contact
Our teams are differentiated by their consistent outperformance of key indices, achieving strong investment returns through a combination of:
Experienced, sector-focused analysts applying fundamental credit analysis to construct portfolios of performing credits.
Credit Management invests in the secured credits of the largest sub-investment grade issuers across Europe and North America.
The end borrowers are significant businesses characterised by:
Our proven investment process requires our analysts to continually assess their credit portfolios to preserve capital and ensure we optimise available returns.
Our approach
With a prime focus on capital preservation, our conservative management style looks to deliver consistent above market returns through superior asset selection and diligent portfolio monitoring to identify and exit at the first signs of credit weakness.
We operate well-diversified credit portfolios. Individual investments are typically 1%-3% of each fund.
We maintain a low ratio of credits per analyst to facilitate in depth analysis and real-time monitoring.
Rothschild & Co invests directly across Credit Management's various credit funds, creating a clear alignment of interest between the manager and the underlying fund investors.