Client Corner

Latest news & information

Revised General Business Conditions and Data Protection Information

The revised Swiss Data Protection Act (DPA) and the provisions in the new Swiss Data Protection Ordinance (DPO) will come into force on 1 September 2023 and shall ensure enhanced protection of personal data in the future. To reflect the latest regulatory and legal developments, Rothschild & Co Bank AG has adapted its Data Protection Information (DPI) and General Business Conditions (GBC). The changes to the GBC and comparison to the previous version can be found here:  EN  |  DE  |  FR  |  ES

Our corporate responsibility

Our latest Wealth Insights

Key information documents

How can we help you?

Information & conditions of our business relationship

FinSA - Client information
MiFID II - Client information
General business conditions
General business conditions – External custody relationships
Data protection information
Handling of potential conflicts of interest
Swiss deposit insurance (Esisuisse) - Client information


Sustainable Investment Approach
Proxy voting report

2023    2022

Stewardship guidelines
SFDR – Pre-contractual disclosures

Private client lending

Lombard lending
Standard interest rates
Refinancing rates

Fee Schedules

Execution only


EUR-CHF currency exchange rate
as per 31 August 2024

Advisory SERVICES term sheets

Partner level


Expert level


Swiss Bankers Association publications

Risks involved in trading financial instruments
Avoidance of dormant assets for clients of Swiss Banks

Investment Questionnaire

Investment questionnaire - Individuals
Investment questionnaire - Legal entities
Investment knowledge & experience questionnaire
Investment Knowledge & Experience Questionnaire – Private Markets for Legal Entity, Trust, and Foundation
Investment questionnaire and Client Risk Profile for Private Market Assets - individuals
Investment questionnaire for Private Markets - Legal entities

Previous news & information

Revised Advisory Service levels and Fee Schedules

Going further our Advisory Services will be offered in two service levels in order to best match your needs: Expert and Partner. Further information is available in the service term sheets and personally from your Client Adviser.

  • In addition, revised fee schedules for Discretionary and Advisory services have been published, effective for new agreements as of 1st January 2023. 

Financial Services Act (FinSA)

On 1 January 2022, the Swiss Financial Services Act and its implementing ordinance (together "FinSA") will enter into force. As a Swiss financial service provider, Rothschild & Co Bank AG ("Bank") must comply with FinSA. FinSA aims to improve client protection and governs the contractual relationship between financial intermediaries and their clients for relevant services and financial products. Information duty of the Bank towards its retail clients is one of the main FinSA requirements which is already existing under EU law. The Bank has implemented a website where clients can directly access the relevant key information documents which provide risk and cost information associated with a specific investment.

For further information, please refer to the FinSA brochure below.
En | DE | Fr | ES

New stewardship guidelines
Rothschild & Co considers responsible investing as an opportunity to take an active role in the successful transformation of industries towards a more sustainable future. Our new Stewardship Guidelines define our understanding of responsible investing by setting out the way we conduct our engagement and voting activities with the companies in which we invest through your discretionary management agreement with us.

Revised discretionary agreement 
EnDE | Fr | ES

Revised fee schedule
Rothschild & Co Bank AG has published a revised fee schedule for discretionary mandates which will become effective as of 1 July 2021. Find below an overview of the latest adjustments:
EN | DE | FR | ES

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