Private Markets

Diversifying your investments through private assets

With nearly 20 years of expertise in private markets, Rothschild Martin Maurel stands out as a pioneer in this field. We support you in your unlisted investments by identifying opportunities and offering appropriate access to private investors through a range of funds, both external and managed by our Group's specialized entity​ (Five Arrows).



Four asset types

Private Equity

Private Equity consists of investing in the capital of unlisted companies, from their conception to their sale, through all their development phases: in Venture Capital (companies in the creation or early stages of development), Growth (companies in strong growth) or Buyout (mature companies).

Private Debt

Private Debt enables unlisted companies to obtain funding in addition to traditional bank financing, through loans, which offer greater flexibility.

Real Estate

Real Estate is a better known asset class as it is represented in many portfolios. In this segment, we focus on very specific value creation strategies, whether through renovation or reuse.


A fast-growing sector, traditionally associated with heavy infrastructure, such as airports and highways, and whose definition has evolved towards assets essential to everyday life, such as telecom networks, clinics, nurseries, retirement homes, and so on.

Why include private assets in your allocation?
  • Diversification: private assets give you access to companies that are not present in traditional liquid markets, and therefore provide greater diversification within your portfolio.
  • Performance: this asset class delivers higher average returns than liquid assets, compensating for its lower liquidity.
  •  Involvement of all stakeholders: whether it is the investment teams (personally invested), the management teams (financially exposed to the company's value creation) orthe companies, all players are rewarded on performance. This is a very strong alignment of interests, which is only possible in this asset class.
  • ESG criteria: the private assets management industry considered environmental, societal and governance criteria early on. For example, in real estate we can find strategies dedicated to sustainable buildings and renovation; within infrastructure assets there are also investment strategies based on renewable energy production financing.
How do we select our partners?

Open architecture 

  • We work in open architecture with more than fifteen European and international management companies. Our selection is the result of a rigorous process, always based on an investment conviction, whether in terms of sector, strategy, geographical area or company size.
  • Once these criteria are defined, we identify the management companies and corresponding teams and evaluate the quality of their investment teams. This includes their track record, the consistency of their members, their sector expertise and the resources they can deploy.
  • We collaborate with proven teams having a long-term track record and pay particular attention to how they will create value. We deconstruct past performance to understand how value has been created both within assets and portfolios. Finally, the legal terms and structures that determine the relationships between the various stakeholders are carefully reviewed.

An expertise within the Rothschild & Co Group

  • In 2009, Rothschild & Co decided to develop an expertise in the management of private assets (Five Arrows) in addition to the Group's historical businesses. Today, this is an essential activity that represents more than 17 billion euros of assets under management (as at 31/12/2021) in Private Equity and Private Debt.
Who can benefit from our offer in private assets?
  • Our offer is intended for private investors looking for diversification and additional return and wishing to invest over the long term in the real economy through the development of unlisted companies. 
  • This type of investment is designed for people looking for a long-term commitment of around 8 to 10 years, corresponding to the time needed to invest gradually in unlisted companies and to implement the underlying value creation strategies.
  • We target investors with a certain risk appetite, aware of the risk of capital loss and liquidity inherent in private assets.
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