Marc-Antoine Collard

Headshot of Marc Antoine Collard

Chief Economist and Director of Economic Research

Marc-Antoine is Chief Economist and Director of Economic Research at Rothschild & Co Wealth and Asset Management since 2014. Furthermore, he is lecturer in Economics at Sciences Po Paris since 2012.

Previously, he began his career as an economist at the Department of Finance of Canada (2004-05) in Ottawa and was then recruited as strategist-economist for CDPQ Caisse de Dépôt et Placement du Québec (2005-10). Marc-Antoine moved to France as Country risk economist for the Americas and Middle East, and Head of Commodities Research at Société Générale (2011-14). 

Read more from Marc-Antoine

  • Asset Management: Monthly Macro Insights - July 2024

    Market Commentary

    Business confidence fell at the end of Q2-24, casting doubts on the positive momentum going into the second half of the year, while rising political uncertainty add to an already complicated conduct of monetary policy.

  • Asset Management: Monthly Macro Insights - June 2024

    Market Commentary

    Although the global economy is still experiencing the lagged effects of tighter monetary policy, business confidence has been improving over the past few months, suggesting positive momentum going into the second half of the year. Will central banks be a tailwind or a headwind?

  • Asset Management: Monthly Macro Insights - May 2024

    Market Commentary

    Recent monthly indicators suggest that the slowdown in global growth around the turn of the year has bottomed out. However, inflation outlook remains murky and the latest data have shaken investors’ confidence that significant monetary policy easing is in the offing.

  • Asset Management: Monthly Macro Insights - April 2024

    Market Commentary

    Recent data suggest that inflation could prove persistently high for some time and limit the room for central bank easing. Despite this high-for-long path for policy stances, investors remain convinced it will not prove sufficient to derail global growth.

  • Asset Management: Monthly Macro Insights - March 2024

    Market Commentary

    Global growth resilience expected in 2024 masks the continuation of sharp regional divergences. Although headline inflation in most G20 countries is projected to continue its normalisation, it is unlikely to be back to target before the end of 2025, and upside risks remain elevated. In fact, central banks may be forced to remain prudent to ensure that underlying inflationary pressures are durably contained.

  • Asset Management: Monthly Macro Insights - February 2024

    Market Commentary

    Regional divergence remained significant at the end of 2023. Although the impacts of high interest rates and the withdrawal of fiscal support are expected to weigh on growth in 2024, investors are keeping their sanguine outlook as they foresee fast interest rate cuts. Yet, resilient labour markets and renewed pressures on supply chains could require a tighter monetary policy stance than expected, upsetting investors’ high hopes.

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