Rothschild & Co: 2019 – 3rd quarter release

Robust revenue despite less favourable M&A environment

  • Global Advisory: revenue for the nine months to September of €766 million, down 18% compared to the same stage last year, which was a record period (9 months 2018: €932 million) and down 25% for the third quarter to €221 million (Q3 2018: €296 million), directionally consistent with the global trend in completed M&A transactions
  • Wealth & Asset Management: strong net new assets and equity markets resulted in robust growth in Assets under Management, up 14% from December 2018. Revenue for the nine months to September up 1% at €363 million (9 months 2018: €360 million) and up 3% to €123 million for the third quarter (Q3 2018: €119 million)
  • Merchant Banking: strong growth of Assets under Management of 16% from December 2018. Revenue for the nine months to September up 10% to €141 million (9 months 2018: €128 million), up 31% for the third quarter to €30 million (Q3 2018: €23 million) and up 27% when compared to the average first nine months revenue for the previous three years
  • Nine months revenue was impacted positively by currency translation effects of €14 million

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