Wealth Management: Our Investment Approach – Wealth preservation and growth

Wealth preservation and growth

We understand that reaching our clients' goals is as important as the journey itself.  

We invest and advise in a clear, composed and conscientious manner. We understand that reaching our clients' goals is as important as the journey itself. Our investment approach is about explaining what we aim to achieve with our clients and how we go about it. 

Our goal is to preserve and grow the real value of our clients' wealth. This involves several related things: outpacing inflation, achieving prudent growth and avoiding large losses, all while focusing on our clients' income and capital needs. 

To begin with, if we are to increase our clients' purchasing power in the real world we must produce investment returns that keep ahead of inflation. We achieve this by investing in assets that grow in value over time, withstanding the markets' highs and lows. That part is relatively straightforward. The challenge comes when positioning portfolios against a fast-changing investment backdrop filled with noise and clutter. 

To deliver this, we need to separate fact from opinion, cut through complexity and provide clear and easy-to-explain portfolios which embrace prudent growth and stand the test of time. Most importantly, we need to do so in a way that is meaningful and relevant to our clients, aware that no one approach will work for all. 

Wealth preservation may sound easy; the hard part comes when actually delivering the above, consistently and well, through thick and thin.

One destination, two ways

Our clients are global and require a global set of investment offerings to match their needs and preferences. Whether entrepreneurs or owners of family-run businesses, we understand that many clients have worked hard to build their wealth and are looking to us to preserve and grow this wealth. 

Some clients will be concerned with the global economy, politics and central banks. They will want to understand the effect these have on financial markets and their portfolios. 

Other clients will be less sensitive to these issues and more interested in the individual assets they hold in their portfolios. They will want to obtain a much deeper understanding of the businesses they invest in and what makes them special. 

We have created two different investment approaches to better address these preferences. The next pages explain these two approaches and how we use them to achieve our end goal.

In this Investment Approach:

Download the full Our Investment Approach in PDF format (PDF 1.82 MB)

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