Image of Sophie Kilvert and Fernanda Rosset

Journey to Success

Supporting female founders

Since our founder, Nathan Mayer Rothschild established our business in London in 1809, we have been a home to entrepreneurs and their businesses.

Being family-controlled allows us to take a long-term view and we are able to support the entrepreneurial community well ahead of any business opportunity.

Rothschild & Co is a proud partner of Buy Women Built and its community of female founders.

We are committed to deepening our knowledge and understanding of the communities we serve so we commissioned a survey which asked the members of Buy Women Built various questions around personal and corporate finance.

Divider with the Rothschild & Co and the Buy Women Built logo

Journey to Success report

We were encouraged to learn that this community has good knowledge of the corporate finance options for their business with nearly half of those surveyed having a strong understanding. Conversely, only 10% of those had a personal financial plan.

In this report, we speak to the inspiring founders of Bare Biology (Melanie Lawson), Two Chicks (Alla Ouvarova and Anna Richey) and Seraphine (Cécile Reinaud) about their businesses and consider how founders should approach their corporate and personal finances along the way.

We hope the report can act as a helpful guide for founders to maximise their personal wealth through their business whether in their growth, pre-exit and exit/succession stages.


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