
Our Sustainable Development Projects

R&Co4Generations is Rothschild & Co's philanthropic group approach with a mission to empower the next generations and protect our world.

Through R&Co4Generations, we collaborate with charities and social enterprises working to address the effects of social and economic inequalities and climate change.

Central to our commitment is making a positive and sustainable impact on our world. Together with our partners, we educate young people to become agents of change, promote initiatives that raise awareness and encourage environmental action, seek innovative approaches to build resilient and sustainable cities and drive progress through cutting-edge technological solutions.

Discover more about our sustainable development projects worldwide.

London School of Architecture

London School of Architecture, UK

The London School of Architecture (LSA) was established to create a distinctive new model for educating architecture students, as a positive and proactive response to the pressures facing higher education in general and architectural education in particular. The LSA offers a range of programmes for students and professionals in the built environment, including Part 0, for young people aged 13-19. The course aims to widen access to future-facing built environment practice, emphasising green skills and removing economic, cultural and social barriers to equity and diversity.

Earthcare Foundation

EarthCare Foundation, Indonesia

EarthCare Foundation works to foster climate stability and goes beyond traditional environmental protection boundaries to embrace a broader vision of sustainable development, where ecological equilibrium and human welfare are intertwined. Our support to Earthcare goes towards their Clean Air Indonesia (CAI) Programme. This project sees farmers in West Sumatra receive training on easy-to-implement ‘no-burn’ farming techniques to boost crop yield and income whilst eliminate crop residue burning to improve air quality and community health.


Enactus, France and UK

Enactus is a global network of leaders committed to using business as a catalyst for positive social and environmental impact. They educate, inspire, and support young people to use innovation and entrepreneurship to solve the world’s biggest problems.

Through a comprehensive experiential platform, Enactus is developing the skills and talents of higher education students across 33 countries. R&Co4Generations is supporting students in France and the UK helping to accelerate their social enterprises.

Blue Ventures, Madagascar

Blue Ventures supports coastal communities to rebuild fisheries and restore ocean life. By assisting traditional fishing communities in the process of rebuilding fisheries, they can ensure they have bigger catches, better livelihoods and improved food security. The revitalisation of marine ecosystems means oceans will teem with life for generations to come.

SUGi, UK and Switzerland

SUGi builds biodiversity, climate resilience, and wellbeing for communities in cities by creating ultra-dense, diverse, and wild pocket forests.

These forests provide a range of social, environmental, and ecological benefits beyond just capturing carbon. They act as outdoor classrooms for local schools and communities, offer people a hands-on learning experience about the connection between local plants, biodiversity, and the significance of supporting local wildlife and pollinators.

One Earth One Ocean, Germany

One Earth One Ocean preserve and protect our waters and coastlines. Using specialist waste collection ships the plastic they gather is then recycled or converted back into oil, with the potential to recover approximately 800 litres of oil from one tonne of plastic.

A number of nationwide initiatives on microplastics, research, education are also hosted to foster long-term changes in people's behaviours and attitudes towards plastic waste.

Clean Earth Trust

Clean Earth Trust, Guernsey

The Clean Earth Trust is dedicated to reducing human impact on the environment through community-led projects, data-driven initiatives, and impactful campaigns. They prioritise raising awareness about local issues affecting Guernsey Island's health and its residents while also conducting outreach programmes with schools and youth organisations.

L'Ecole de la Transition Ecologique

L’Ecole de la Transition Ecologique, France

L’Ecole de la Transition Ecologique (ETRE) provides young people with the opportunity to learn about the climate crisis and sustainability through free practical training. They work throughout France to equip those entering the workforce with the necessary skills needed for the green economic transition and sustainable development.


Acker, Germany

Acker works towards creating a more sustainable world through promoting appreciation for nature and food. By bringing schoolchildren and their teachers together to engage in workshops and activities focused on nature, sustainability, and fresh vegetables they inspire an entire generation to connect with the environment and develop a passion for sustainability.

R&Co4Generations Venture Philanthropy

Bridging impact and investment to support young social enterprises, R&Co4Generations has embarked on a new phase of its strategy, Venture Philanthropy. This new dynamic tool enables the foundation to amplify its capacity to make a difference by using investment profits to continue its mission of supporting social and environmental causes, locally and globally.

Here are two equity investments the foundation has made to support young companies with high potential impact to protect the environment and promote a circular economy.

Earthwake, France

Earthwake is transforming plastic waste into a source of energy using mobile pyrolysis ovens known as Chrysalis, which are packaged in containers. This innovative approach helps address the problem of plastic pollution while providing a sustainable source of fuel. Chrysalis was selected among the Solar Impulse Foundation’s “1000 solutions to change the world”.

Stokelp, France

Stokelp is a comprehensive software as a solution (SaaS) dedicated to minimising food waste within the food industry. This innovative platform empowers manufacturers to maximise the value of their surplus food inventory, encompassing a wide range of items such as fruits, vegetables, meat, and more, by facilitating their resale to fellow industry players who require them. Additionally, Stokelp enhances transaction transparency, ensuring a more efficient and accountable food supply chain.


R&Co4Generations is Rothschild & Co’s platform for supporting social and environmental causes, locally and globally.