Mosaique Insights: Issue 10

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How did it get so late so soon? It’s night before it’s afternoon. December is here before it’s June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?”

- Dr. Seuss

As we are entering the final innings of 2022, we take some time to reflect on this past year.

A year, in which a lot happened, a year, that challenged us in different ways, not only as investors, but also as human beings. Our thoughts remain with those hurt by the dreadful conflict still raging.

In hindsight, geopolitics took centre stage once again, not only significantly impacting the global economy and financial markets, but also resetting international relations and commerce.

In this edition of Mosaique Insights, we take a look at how we’ve navigated this past year with insights from our strategy and portfolio management teams. We include an interview with the Head of our newly opened Israel office, Gerry Livnat, we provide you with some topical insights into the world of cybersecurity and shed some light on the geopolitical events that have shaped this year so profoundly.

We hope you enjoy this edition of Mosaique Insights, we wish you a merry Christmas, frohe Weihnachten, joyeux Noël and we look forward to seeing you in 2023!

Laurent Gagnebin
CEO, Rothschild & Co Bank AG


Dr. Carlos Mejia
CIO, Rothschild & Co Bank AG


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